Art made of gingerbread dow

Gingerbread Mania is an art exhibition with only one condition - everything must be made of gingerbread. Every year, a hundred Estonian professional creative people participate in the exhibition - ceramicists, metal artists, textile designers, interior architects, graphic artists, architects, etc. There is no other project that brings together so many creative people from different fields. When creating an exhibition, one must forget one's daily work methods for a moment and creates a playful gingerbread world that is interesting to watch for both young and old.

The exhibition has been held continuously since 2006. The authors of the first exhibition were the members of the designer group "The space is not empty" and it was supposed to be a one-time project. Over the years, the project has grown a lot and it has become one of the most popular events in Tallinn during Christmas. Over the years, more than 500 artists have taken part in the exhibition. Every year the exhibition has a different theme and special music is created by Estonian composers.

The miracle of Gingerbread Mania was only possible thanks to the cooperation of many nice people. We sincerely thank the artists whose infinite creativity and dexterity have made the materialization of the gingerbread magical world a reality. We also thank the supporters who have stood firmly behind us and believed in us.

Previous exhibitions

2020 Fashion

In 2020, we celebrated the 15th birthday of PiparkoogMania with an imaginative gingerbread art exhibition, which was inspired by fashion. The authors of the exhibition were 100 talented creative people from various fields. This time, a number of fashion designers who had never tried their hand at gingerbread fashion before were also invited to participate. Fortunately, we were able to do the exhibition despite the corona restrictions before and after the exhibition, and the continuity was not interrupted. Nearly 300 kg of dough was rolled out to make the gingerbread fashion show. Janek Murdi's music played on the catwalk.

2019 Mythology

In 2019, we poured all kinds of mythological characters into the gingerbread. In the fragrant and somewhat mystical exposition, you could find the last dragon of Estonia, Odin, the God of the Vikings, a mysterious sphinx, a witch's well, deities of different countries and who knows what else. The authors of the exhibition are 90 artists from Estonia, Poland and Russia. This year's special guests were gingerbread masters from Russia with the St. Petersburg Gingerbread Festival Mir Prjanika. Gingerbread workshops were held, where, in addition to our own artists, Russian masters presented their skills.The music created by Tanel Palia added to the mystical atmosphere.

2018 Estonia

Eesti 100 juubeliaastal mõtlesime, mis see on, mis Eesti eriliseks teeb? Kas see on imeline loodus, eristuvad aastaajad, traditsioonid, muinasjutud, nuti-Eesti või midagi muud. Näitusel osales 85 kunstnikku Eestist, Ungarist ja Tšehhist, kes valmistasid u 60 unikaalset piparkoogiteost, mille inspiratsiooniallikaks oli Eesti.

2017 Old Tallinn

This year, artists create a gingerbread world inspired by Tallinn's various historical layers, architecture and art. The authors of the exhibition are 100 artists from Estonia, guest artists from Finland and Poland also participate. The music of the exhibition was created by Andres Lõo.

2016 The Forest

In 2016, the artists created a gingerbread forest where you could meet both birds and animals, stumble upon an ant nest, explore an eagle's nest or make a wish at a magic tree. The forest is an important place for every Estonian and our greatest treasure. The forest is a special place.If you haven't been in the forest for a while, it's like something is missing. It is a multi-layered, multi-level community that provides a home for countless species. It took 250 kg of dough to create the exhibition. In addition to Estonian gingerbread artists, there were also participants from Poland, Hungary, Finland and the Czech Republic. The music of the exhibition was composed by Taavi Tulev.

2015 Holy gingerbread

The exhibition "Holy Gingerbread" was a homage to the centuries-old art of gingerbread, with which GingerbreadMania celebrated its 10th birthday.
Gingerbread is a sacred pastry from the Middle Ages, the preparation and decoration of which was a great art. Precious sweets made from spices, honey and the best flour brought from the East were so valuable that they were even decorated with pure gold. At the festive birthday exhibition, you could see a gingerbread holy tree, giant angel wings, icons, relics, a holy cow, the Ruhnu wooden church and much more. The authors of the music for the exhibition were Ülo and Ulla Krigul.

2014 Toy museum

In 2014, the Museum of Gingerbread Toys was opened in the Design and Architecture Gallery. On this occasion, the artists had made their favorite toy out of gingerbread. It was a gingerbread-scented trip back to childhood - the world of games and toys.The exhibition took place in the Design and Architecture Gallery in the premises of the former Children's World toy store, which operated there for 40 years. To commemorate this legendary toy store, in addition to the gingerbread cookies, we displayed old photos of the artists participating in the exhibition with their toys. The music of the exhibition was created by Tanel Paliale.

2013 History of Art

In 2013, PiparkoogMania brought the brightest works of art history to the viewers. Dali, Picasso, Miro, famous buildings, design classics, etc. were an inspiration to 100 Estonian gingerbread fans and creative people. An extraordinary exhibition was baked from 300 kg of dough, the likes of which have not been seen before in Estonia or anywhere else in the world. The music of the exhibition was composed by Janek Murd.

2012 Gingerbread Olympics

In 2012, Tallinn was an Olympic city again! The world's first Gingerbread Olympics took place in the Design and Architecture Gallery in Tallinn. A unique and fragrant gingerbread spectacle unfolded from 300 kilos of dough, where 100 top "arthleths" from Estonia and other parts of the world took off to set new creative records. This time, medieval gingerbread masters from Turku, Finland, and Torun, Poland, also participated in the exhibition, who exhibited embossed gingerbread made with wooden molds. The music of the exhibition was composed by Janek Murd.

2011 Time Machine

In 2011, the Design and Architecture Gallery was transformed from a gingerbread to a time machine, into which you found yourself in the middle of an adventure where the future, past and present existed simultaneously. 140 creative people conjured up an unprecedented art exhibition from 400 kg of gingerbread dough, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The exhibition was part of the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011 program, thanks to which the exhibition received a lot of international attention. The authors of the music of the exhibition were Tanel Paliale and Pastacas.

2010 Magic Shop

Gingerbread Mania “Võlupood” was a Christmas exhibition that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Everything in this store was made of gingerbread and contained large amounts of magic power. Nothing is what it seems at first glance.The authors of this year's PiparkoogiMania exhibition were 131 Estonian artists, designers and representatives of other creative fields, whose creation Magic Shop was put on display for just a few weeks. It was an opportunity to be a part of an abundant and fragrant world of creativity and dreams that excited everyone who entered it. The music of the exhibition was composed by Tanel Paliale.

2009 Tour Around the World

In 2009, 100 gingerbread designers took viewers on a Around the World Trip to the world of gingerbread, where nothing was impossible. Artists, ceramicists, fashion designers and architects created their dreams, adventures, impressions and mishaps from gingerbread. At the exhibition, you could see what can happen on a never-before-seen land trip where you travel on a gingerbread engine and magic. This year there were also 8 Finnish designers in the travel group. The authors of the music for the exhibition were Tanel Paliale and Taavi Laatsit. The Gingerbread Mania photo contest began.

2008 World's best things

This year, 125 creative people were infected with "gingerbread mania" and conjured up 300 kg of gingerbread dough in the Tallinn Design and Architecture Gallery for the Christmas exhibition "World's Best Things". At the exhibition, you could see a gingerbread roller skate, a giant teapot from Alice's Wonderland, a gingerbread dream, an amusement park and everything that the authors associated with the best things in the world. The exhibition was a Christmas gift from creative people to the townspeople. The music of the exhibition was created by Tanel Paliale.This year, the gingerbread mania exhibition project included school children whose works could be seen in the Kullo Children's Gallery and kindergarten children whose gingerbread cookies were on display in the Tallinn City Museum's Children's Museum.

2007 Town

The opening of "Gingerbread Mania 2007" was a real miracle, because the decision to organize the exhibition was made only a month and a half before Christmas due to the desire of the participants and viewers. We had not booked the galleries, negotiated with sponsors or made any other preparations. Apparently, fate favored our venture, because with only a couple of weeks' notice, we managed to find a free exhibition space in the Design and Architecture Gallery and supporters who helped with the materials. In addition, it was necessary to find a large number of new participants, because the gallery was much larger than the exhibition spaces of the first year. The exhibition was open for only 10 days and 88 artists participated in its creation. The original music of the exhibition was created by Tanel Paliale.

2006 PiparkoogiMaania

The first Gingerbread Mania took place on December 20, 2006 - January 9, 2007. 20 artists participated in the exhibition planned as a one-time project at the Hop Gallery in Tallinn. Creative people from different fields let the gingerbread mania took over and created an unprecedented gingerbread world. Gingerbread crystals, haute couture, carpet, mandala and much more were part of the gingerbread mystery that materialized in time for Christmas. The music of the exhibition was created by Tanel Paliale.