Gingerbread Mania 2021 Music
In 2021, the organization of events was highly unlikely due to the coronavirus. Therefore, the decision was made to organize the exhibition only at the end of November. Since there was little time and no preparations had been made, we were able to experience the support of both participants and spectators during this crazy event.This year we were inspired by music and special guests were several composers and musicians. At the exhibition, you could find historical musical instruments, pop icons, vinyls, cassettes, posters with well-known singers, as well as sound waves transformed into gingerbread.
Diana Taalfeld, Kristi Lang, Ralf Oskar Siim, Lee Tamm, Aksel Tamm, Kaarin Briedis, Erkki Kadarik, Mari-Liis Hiisjärv, Urmas Ott, Paul Ruut Kalmo, Ülle Maiste, Kristi Siibak, Meelis Luukas, Tim Bluz, Pia Inger Sepman, Piret Veigel, Ines Erlemann, Liisi Tani, Merit Karise, Kristel Rimmeld, Kadri Aru, Karoliina Kalmo, Lea Järve, Piret Müüripeal, Kairi Kirt-Ende, Alo Neerot, Sigrid Valgma, Zoran Grojic, Angela Soop, Merilin Kaup, Kirke Päss, Liina Soosaar, Tulvi-Hanneli Turo, Hiie Nõlvak, Mart Kallaste, Triinu Visnapuu, Clelia Piirsoo, Robert Rool, Jüri Butsakov, Erika Sall, Kertuulin, Maria Teng, Anna-Liisa Tubala, Kadri Veisner, Kristi Tamming, Daan Bos, Martin Aus, Okeiko, Reet Sepp, Sergei, Maria, Jelena Tšekulajevid, Helina Risti koos Rubeni ja Lukasega, Kard Männil, Rita Rahu, Katarina Naarits, Kaspar Roon, Krete Tarkmees, Kristel Tomband, Hedi ja Uma Looveer, Kirsti Laanemaa, Kristi Jõeäär, Mari Mirjam Mänd, Mart Hendrik Mänd, Maris Kerge, Lii Pähkel, Margot Vent, Tiina Kaljuste, Laura Talvet, Ramon G. Morna, Sirje Kadalipp, Kadi Tombak, Gustavo Twardy, Liis Jürgens, Maria Tarvas, Aksella Piiliste, Sirje Kadalipp, Malle Pärtel, Keret Altpere, Ardo Rohtla, Beata Pranke-Zdziebło, Monika Włodarek, Toruni Piparkoogimuuseum, Mari-Liis Laanemaa, Kertuulin, Rene Haljasmäe, Sigrid Valgma, Zoran Grojic, Kaidi-Kätlyn Reimann
Here are the 20 works that received the most votes from the 3,979 visitors to the exhibition. The viewers' favorite work was Tiiger "Chill", by Diana Taalfeld, Kristi Lang, Ralf Oskar Siim, Lee Tamm and Aksel Tamm. We would like to thank all the voters and Electrolux Estonia and Dansukker, who made it even more enjoyable for the artists to bake gingerbread. The gingerbread wonders with the most votes are:
1. Tiiger “Chill” – Diana Taalfeld, Kristi Lang, Ralf Oskar Siim, Lee Tamm, Aksel Tamm (725 votes)
2. “Neljal käel” – Kaarin Briedis ja Erkki Kadarik (417 votes)
3. “Väike lõõtspill” – Mari-Liis Hiisjärv (327 votes)
4. “Mees ära karda elu!” Üllar Jörberg – Urmas Lüüs ja Hans-Otto Ojaste ehk Rühmitus Urmas Ott (231 votes)
5. “Teine sammas” – Ülle Maiste, Kristi Siibak, Meelis Luukas (228 votes)
6.“MTV” – Tim Bluz (174 votes)
7. “Algus” – Pia Inger Sepman ja Piret Veigel (151 votes)
8. “Kaunid baleriinid” – Ines Erlemann (129 votes)
9. “Lauluvaras ehk soo-roolind” – Liisi Tani (114 votes)
10. “Käokell” – Merit Karise (103 votes)
11. “80ndate comeback” – Kristel Rimmeld ja Kadri Aru (100 votes)
12. “Walkman” – Karoliina Kalmo (82 votes)
13. “Rokipeer 70” – Lea Järve, Piret Müüripeal, Kairi Kirt-Ende, Alo Neerot (81 votes)
14. “Vanaviisi” – Sigrid Valgma ja Zoran Grojic (73 votes)
15. “Fonoteek” – Angela Soop (62 votes)
16. “Maailmamuusika” – Merilin Kaup, Kirke Päss, Liina Soosaar (55 votes)
17. “Iidne viiul jõulukuues” – Tulvi-Hanneli Turo (51 votes)
18. “London Calling” – Hiie Nõlvak, Mart Kallaste, Triinu Visnapuu (46 votes)
19. “Stradivarius Luna” – Clelia Piirsoo (45 votes)